Outreach Events


According to the vision of ACIC and AIM, to create and promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across the length and breadth of our country, and to encourage a spirit of entrepreneurship in the underserved/unserved regions of India by providing, enabling infrastructure and facilitating environment for innovation, ACIC GIETU Foundation conducted an outreach event.

Village :- Narasinghamunda

Dated on: -20 January, 2022

After discussing minutely with the residents of the village, following problems were listed out. Non availability of Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, Drainage, Absence of Proper Source of Income, Absence of Supply Chain Management for Commercial Products. No proper guidance for selling of cultivated agriculture products, improper marketing channel, and maximum villagers are migrant labourers.

Village :- Regada

Dated on: - 15 February, 2022

After a healthy interaction with villagers, various issues, challenges and problems have listed out. Lack of proper Irrigation system, migrant labourers, illiteracy are the main issues. Villagers require a support in education as well as skill based training such that the villagers get an opportunity on self-employment. According their opinion, along with technological based solution for irrigation system, skill based training to unemployment youth also make a huge impact for the growth and development of village.

Village :- Gadiakhola

Dated on:- 26 April, 2022

After discussing minutely with the residents of the village, following problems were listed out. Non availability of Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, Drainage, Absence of Proper Source of Income, Absence of Supply Chain Management for Commercial Products. No proper guidance for selling of cultivated agriculture products, improper marketing channel, and maximum villagers are migrant labourers.